Apparently, the Intertubes are not rightly focused on football, AS THEY SHOULD BE, but rather focused on things like 'gun control'. The arguments are fierce and angry, and pretty much all over the map. We should arm kindergartners. We should arm janitors! We should make all our actions so dangerous that no, NO ONE, would dare make a dangerous move. We should take away anything dangerous. We should protect minds from the concept of doing anything dangerous. We should protect people from the very concept of danger! Right ...
USian thought is what it is. We've known this for a while, at least if we would take time to breath and think about it. We are a violent culture, and somehow must come up with rules for living with one another without resorting to violence. If you don't believe that this has been on the minds of folk for a while, then let's step back to 1986, 24 years ago.
I would embed the video, but every company is owed their pound of flesh. We, the people, are allowed no ounce of enjoyment without paying for it to an overlord. I wonder, could that be what makes us so angry? So willing to commit violence? That every thought, every creation, every fear has a price tag? Just consider it.
Regardless, enjoy some '80's metal. It's a really good video.