Since that damned Jay Stevens doesn't want to hang around to do it ...
Booman points out that you actually have to give credit to the Republicants for being unbelievable bastards. Okay, maybe you don't, but America did.
I could go on for quite a while listing the cynical and dilatory and dishonest things the Republicans have done since Obama became president, none of which are easy to credit. But, it worked.
They knew the left would get dispirited and frustrated and start fighting amongst themselves. They knew their own base would love it and reward them for it. They knew the media wouldn't be an honest referee. They knew that in a bad economy, white majority America would respond to their ACORN/Henry Louis Gates Jr./New Black Panther Party/Shirley Sherrod/Health-Care-is-for-minorities/Sharia Law/Ground Zero mosque/illegal immigration themes. And they knew that if they only stuck to the plan, there wouldn't be a damn thing the Democrats could do about it. And there wasn't. They went scorched Earth, and if you're honest, we didn't have the tools to combat them.
CW says that a Speaker of the House who presides over an historical bad election for the party should just step down from leadership. So why are the Republicants whistling past the graveyard that Nancy Pelosi might become the Minority House leader? Simple enough. Common wisdom assumes that people are idiots, as do Republicants. Modern history shows clearly that Republicants can't fail to contradict themselves. They've just spent 6 months telling folk that this mid-term is a referendum on Obama, not Pelosi. Progressives, on the other hand, see some small truth to that, and recognize that Pelosi was a tough and strident ally.
MSNBC proves itself more full of shit everyday. Maddow is the only thing worth watching on it anymore.
There is no reason to *not* think the world of Darcy Burner.
Scott Lemieux makes an argument I've made many times, just vastly more eloquently.
Arguments about third party voting, then, generally aren’t arguments about whether any single individual should vote for the Democrats but whether groups of similarly situated individuals should vote for the Democrats. At this level, the advocate of third party voting in a first-past-the-post system has to address the fact that an unwillingness to sully one’s purity with strategic voting has very real downsides (such as hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars wasted attacking a country that poses no threat to the United States, fiscal policy that increased inequities and make s future progressive reform much less viable, several decades each of Roberts and Alito, etc. etc. etc.) and no discernible benefits. If third party voting is supposed to be the key to making the Democrats better, well, Nader already succeeded in his goal of throwing the 2000 election to Bush — how did that work out? According to Daniel, not very well — and, remember, this is true! So I’m not sure why the next time will be the charm.
Though it has been said a thousand different times in a hundred different ways, this one is unique. Mr' President, you simply cannot trust working with the Republicants!
Because to someone in an adult relationship -- whose only experience of such things is a healthy marriage -- the idea that someone with whom you share a life could get so addicted to pure, blind rage and self-loathing that they would put their own well-being at risk -- put the safety of children at risk -- just to see you in pain would be...incomprehensible.
Too bad young Barack Obama never learned the hard lesson that "nice", "accommodating" and "reasonable" absolutely do not work when you find yourself involved with a psycho who wants to punish you for their own failures, set you on fire to silence the voices in their own head, and then piss on your grave to smother the shrieking goblins of their own past.
Because with the Modern Republican Party, that sure as shit is who he's shackled to now.
Heath Shuler couldn't have sucked more as a quarterback. His Blue Doggy Democrats just got their asses stomped. And now he wants to lead the Democrats forward? Is he high?
And a little light-weight wingnut humor to finish. Teabaggers, in a nutshell.