Being 4 months shy of having done this gig for 5 years, I guess it's time to post a few. This is based very loosely on Craig's "Da Rules", basically because he's 'da man', and I think he's spot on in expectation and enforcement.
1) My dime, my rules. Unlike blogspot users and many others who use free services, I pay for my website, and I've done so from day one. That means it's mine. Look no further than this rule before leveling complaint about your role on my property. I own this space. I own copyright on everything here, including your comments. If you don't want me to own it, don't write it. If you simply *must* express yourself, then allow me to quote from MetaFilter, "GYOBFW".
2) Pursuant to rule 1, I don't owe you a platform. I ain't the government, I don't represent you, you don't pay me, and any claims about your free-speech here or elsewhere will be met with the appropriate amount of derision. If I delete your comment, alter your comment or ban you by word or IP ... tough noogies. The founding fathers certainly never intended for you to have "rights" over my property. And indeed, you don't. So don't whine about it.
3) I am not a 'citizen journalist'. Don't expect me to be one. I don't get paid for this, and I have little use for your opinion of my 'credibility'. I am a writer. Good, bad, fair to middlin', writing is what I do. It is not reporting. If I you want to see real citizen journalism, I have a few suggestions. Don't expect it here. You won't be disappointed and then you won't annoy me.
4) 'Foul' language is not only allowed here, but sometimes encouraged. If you have a problem with that, you'd best not hang 'round these parts. I did not have a highbrow upbringing, and I've spent some too much time around military folk. Try not to think of it as invective; consider it ... punctuation.
5) Insult is allowed here, within limits. Few things are more mewling and disgusting than those who think that insult cheapens an argument. Really, it doesn't. There are many forms of insult, both genteel and vulgar. An argument stands based on reason and logic, not the words that add flavor (remember rules number 3 and 4). Anyone who wants to call me an "asshole" is welcome to do that ... if you have an argument to make. If not, remember: my dime, my rules.
6) Do not insult my friends if they're not insulting you. This should be simple. If it isn't, I will take action. Or not. The choice is mine. Remember: my dime, my rules.
7) I've learned a few things in the past years. I'm over some forms of amusement. One of them is cheap pop psychology applied to me from those who know nothing of me or my life. On this website, my job, my life, my existence beyond blogging is strictly out of bounds. You don't know me. Don't pretend you do (unless, of course, you do. But then I'll need you to prove it.)
8) Racism and sexism will not be tolerated. Gay bashing will not be tolerated. Any adult would know that these are 'no-nos'. Don't do them.
9) My website is not the pinnacle of well-read. I kinda like it that way. Adding comments to older posts is futile. The only person who will read them is me. Don't waste your time. And if you do: my dime, my rules.
10) Unlike some, I don't print e-mails. I think that's kinda icky. But if you send me one, it's my property. Piss me off unduly and I will print it with appropriate alteration and/or commentary. Don't like that? Too bad. You've been warned.
11) As I've indicated, my website is not the most popular on the block. I like it that way. So trolling me only proves you to be a moron. Don't do that. Trolling me only wastes your time.
12) If you don't like any of these rules, tough shit. This is an adult website for adults, and it is not a "play nice" zone. But all things lead back to rule number 1: my dime, my rules.
Posted by: AnonyMoose | May 08, 2008 at 04:57 PM
Yet you bothered to comment ...
Posted by: Wulfgar | May 08, 2008 at 05:01 PM
I commented only because I love you. Note the wink in my first comment.
Posted by: AnonyMoose | May 08, 2008 at 05:12 PM
Posted by: Wulfgar | May 08, 2008 at 05:18 PM
As the man said in Cool Hand Luke. "Some men you just can't reach."
Besides, everyone knows I'm a crypto-fascist who only allows comments from people who have federally mandated Real-ID cards that have been signed in triplicate, along with a birth certificate and signed affadavit from the county comission.
I guess this makes you one, too. Welcome to the club!
Posted by: Craig | May 08, 2008 at 05:31 PM
Yeah, speaking of that, Craig, did my application go through yet?
Posted by: Jay Stevens | May 09, 2008 at 07:12 AM
Sorry, Jay. Your application was weeded out on the basis of ideological purity. We do, however, invite you to re-apply after a 30-day waiting period, where we will re-evaluate your application.
Posted by: Craig | May 09, 2008 at 07:09 PM