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July 12, 2007



Let's not forget the (potentially) most dangerous weapon of all: a human mind. Someone sufficiently motivated isn't going to be appreciably slowed by their silly-ass rules and regs. Shucks, it's possible to kill another human being with a freakin' #2 Ebarhard-Faber or a popsicle stick.
You make a good point about the money aspect, but I'd figure it was as much a legal defense ("we TOLD them no weapons!") as anything else.

Shane C. Mason

I don't the 'mace' or catapult on that list...

That's quite enough of that. - W

colby natale

Damnit Rob, check your e-mail.

Call me, your bro has my number.


William David, Junior, Sullivan, no zip code, seems to have some agreement with you, no linky but letter to the editor in 6/17's chronicle. He used to carry a holstered revolver into the courthouse but the County Commission passed a law forbidding firearms to the public in the courthouse. But, is that contrary to the second amendment's ban on "infringement"? And the ban doesn't mean a person "with bad intent" wouldn't drop by with a firearm, does it? Doesn't mean that getting a concealed permit and keeping that .45 in the odd elected officials' courthouse desk isn't a good idea, either, for every 1000 William Davids expressing their untrammeled second amendment rights, there might be a person with a different purpose in mind.

To the MSU point, it's just so much CYA nonsense. Look, we did something, we passed a policy. Whew, all those meetings really meant something, didn't they? Now MSU can really come down hard if they find a .270 in a pickup some November early morning... I can't be the guy that says we'd be safer with a few guns on campus, but you read my take, long put into practice, on the courthouse ban...


It seems disappointing to me that widespread rules are made rather than taking the time to clearly identify the items in the list that should be banned. One could hardly argue that firearms are a problem on campus. Then again, what if there is a rifle club on campus? Maybe far fetched, but I went to school in Canada and our highschool had a rifle club and we competed with other schools. Paintball guns and waterpistols....as for paintball guns, the .68 caliber should certainly allow most to see that the guns are not real. There should be some method of determining if the banned weapon can be allowed by exception or permit or registering with the school administration.

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