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November 08, 2006


Gee Guy

Other than some of the personal malice, which I think is really unnecessary, I am hard pressed to disagree with much of what you say.

I think that much of what happened yesterday was a vote against something or someone. In an election like that, it is hard to know what people are for.

I read interviews this morning with many voters and the common theme was change. I think there is some change for change's sake. And that is not necessarily a bad thing either.

Dave Budge
Wow. So this is what taking back control of the country feels like.

Give it a couple of months. It'll wear off.


Yes, this is the new mantra from the Right - "The Dems didn't win. The Republicans lost." And it was really fun listening to Tom Delay - a man with no job - lecture us about that. Doncha love arrogance so thick it can't accept someone else might have a better vision for America?

I'm for freedom and liberty. I'm for doing the right thing. I'm for long-term solutions over wack-a-mole reacting. I'm for the values that made America the land of the free. I'm for the planet clean. I'm for truth. And that's what I voted for yesterday.

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - That's the vision for America I voted for.

And appeals to polite discourse from a right winger? Seriously? You think that dog will hunt? Like some Freedom Fries with that?


On the national front, I am soooo pleased, but like you... I am a tad disappointed in the local Gallatin County election.

Yippee, we get "Kookman" back in office.

A REAL tribute to public service that man is. All I can say is that his sappy Mr. Rogers TV ad was super special... After all he alone made Hwy 191 safer, right? (For a Mom and her kids, remember, forget the rest of us.) What an ass. I tire of the politicians that play the heart strings of ordinary people... with sickening music to boot. I would have LOVED for the dems to put an ad out for Vincent.. and maybe another to show how Kookman wants to turn back the hands 'o time and get that pesky evolution out of the text books.
Yep, this man's a real visionary.

However, in the bright big picture, our national politics can only get better from here.

Gee Guy

Jon, you make a legitimate point. It's hard to discuss it without it sounding like sour grapes. It is an insult to all Democrats to simply suggest the GOP just handed it to them; the Democrats won and the GOP lost. Fair enough.

But you go on to say you're "for" freedom, liberty, doing the right thing, long term solutions, values, and truth. If you want to suggest that as a summary of the Democrat's platform, fine. But it's a little vague, isn't it? With all due respect, the campaign is over and now those things need to be translated into actual priorities, right?

And, finally, I won't claim that my posts are never intemperate, but for the most part I try to be respectful of even those I disagree with. So you can take your Freedom Fries and shove them right up your a$$ one at a time.

(That was a joke.)


"With all due respect, the campaign is over and now those things need to be translated into actual priorities, right?"

No. Not really. It would be nice of course. But, in my humble opinion, just changing control of Congress is a massive move towards freedom, liberty, doing the right thing, long term solutions, values, and truth. Just zeroing out the balance of Bush's political capital improves the world's opinion of the United States. We are better off than we were yesterday.

Bush and the Republican Congress were *that* bad.


Oh. And I have put fries up my butt. Once. At band camp. While I found it mildly erotic, it's not something I'll do again. I plead innocence of youth and all that.

Gee Guy

Mildly erotic? Holy smokes, I thought I was wild when I was young, but...

Kate S.

Congratulations, Mr. Montana! I am soooo happy, my feet haven't stopped dancin' yet...

Thank you for all your hard work over the years. I believe the positive changes we are about to witness in our fair country would not have had a chance if it weren't for the articulation of people like you throughout the internets, conscientious and compassionate, pointing out the glaring wrongs and ills of our recent history.

You should be very proud of yourself. I know I am. Look what you did! Mighty pen! with keystrokes as sure as quill on parchment.


Lord Acton wrote: "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Do you really think any party of power can avoid it? I don't, not even a little. I live in a Democraticly controlled state (NC), has been for, well... seems like forever and it's just as corrupt as any other state, well except for maybe LA.


Lord Acton wrote: "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Do you really think any party of power can avoid it? I don't, not even a little. I live in a Democraticly controlled state (NC), has been for, well... seems like forever and it's just as corrupt as any other state, well except for maybe LA.

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