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September 15, 2006



And now we try something from the middle ages. Maybe we need a mote monster.
Trenches plan to secure Baghdad, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5349398.stm.


Great post, Sir. I admire your writing skills!

Mark T

I would not be surprised if there are those within the administration and in Israel who would be quite happy to see Iraq's factions scattered to the wind. Iraq presented the only credible threat to Israel in the Middle East.


You sir, do most definitely have a way with words. Well said, well said indeed.


Bravo! I heard someone make an analogy on NPR the other day that this so-called "War on Terrorism" (i.e., Afghanistan and Iraq) is quite similar to the Civil War. That's just so wrong on so many levels, I wasn't sure where to start...so I changed the channel!

More interesting is the subject of governing large bodies of people. California is larger than many countries, and I believe that some of the problems we are having in this state is the result of being too damned large to govern effectively. Maybe this is also true of countries--especially those without a resilient infrastructure.

With respect to your puzzle analogy...a puzzle is solved because someone WANTS it to be solved. It takes effort. It tends to go faster, perhaps, with two people working together with the same goal. This "democratization" effort we're spearheading in the Middle East is duplicitous. We want it to be resolved, but only *if* we can have some type of advantage as a result. It's as if we're trying to solve a puzzle and the border pieces are intentially missing...


I really don't think Bush & Co have any interest in solving problems. Their motive is to exert authority and power, nothing more.

Sounds absurd, but I think it fits the facts better than the idea that they have good intensions yet fail over and over. Talking tough is not a tactic used to reach their goal, it *is the goal*.

These are evil men (and women of course).

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