I've said that phrase before on this website, sarcasm dripping as you can imagine. Regardless of how much I thought Cetraro was a pig-headed loser, I still didn't think him this low.
Natoshia, who is 10 weeks pregnant, told police a different story. She said Cetraro punched her at least twice with a closed fist and she feared for her unborn baby, according to court records. Her sister backed up that version of the events and said Cetraro hit his wife in the face three or four times.
I just adore how alcohol takes the blame in his mind. (Yes, that is sarcasm.) I can drink a storm, but no matter how drunk I get, I don't hit the ones I love. To be totally honest I've never hit anybody while drunk, who didn't hit me first; and I've never hit a female even if she did hit me first. I find this whole episode disgusting.
Jeff Krause, one of the lone conservative voices on the city commission, takes over in January as mayor ... not a moment too soon. And 2 years from now, it will be Kaaren Jacobson. I pray, truly, that Cetraro gets help, and just fades away from the public eye and from his supposed family.
Boys, here's the deal, (and I know that most any male who reads this will understand and agree), you don't hit women. You just fricken don't.
I have NEVER hit a woman in my life - sober or drunk - and there is absolutely NO excuse for it. This man should be removed from office pending the investigation. If it isn't bad enough that he (allegedly) hit his wife, his wife is pregnant. I can't think of many thing that are more heinous than that.
Posted by: moorcat | November 10, 2005 at 05:36 PM
Yep, Wulfgar. And Yep, Moorcat. What a numbnuts....
Posted by: Nancy | November 10, 2005 at 07:34 PM
Oh my god. Definitely time to move if a wife-beater like that can get elected to be mayor. Sigh. For chrissake, you don't hit ANYBODY unless they hit you first and you are defending yourself from what you feel to be dire peril! We all need to get the Hell out of this town and let it spontaneously combust on its own.
Posted by: Alex | November 10, 2005 at 07:47 PM
Family violence is a bad bad thing.
I hope that everybody decides to get some serious therapy no matter what else they may or may not decide to do.
Posted by: grannyinsanity | November 10, 2005 at 08:02 PM
Well, now I know what I have to do, I'm gonna go chug a bottle of Cuervo, and beat the hell out of my wife, then I can run for office! Well crap, I don't hit women, especially my wife, damn, guess I'll never get elected. So much for that idea. Just have to settle for the Cuervo I guess, anyone got any lime?
Not only should this guy resign, he should "dissapear". One would think that someone would have to exhibit a little better judgement than this in order to win public office, this is a disgrace. True justice would be for this guy to wind up in a jail cell with a "wife beater" of a different sort, we'll see how tough he thinks he is then.
Posted by: Justin | November 10, 2005 at 08:50 PM
I just cannot believe they are going to let him stay on as mayor. He needs to be fired from being mayor and he needs to go to jail.
As voters in Bozeman we need to demand that he be fired. So what if he only has less than two months on the commission? He still needs to be aware that we are not going to put up with this kind of shit!
I'm a Butte girl, and while we can drink up a storm, (and yes sometimes fight) there are very specific rules that this ass just broke. Alcohol is NOT an excuse for hitting your wife, pregnant or not, and this guy needs to serve some serious time for what he did.
The thing that makes me so sick is that very rarely do abusive husbands receive punishment for their actions. People all too often just look away and shake their heads.
Sorry if I seem really angry here, but I am.
Posted by: sheena rice | November 11, 2005 at 08:37 AM
Ok, maybe if his legs were both broken and his pregnant wife was coming after him with a chainsaw or something and he couldn't reach the phone to call 911 - maybe then I could understand hitting his wife (pregnant or not, pregnancy IS a normal life process you know)although in that case she probably would've had good reason to be going after him with the chainsaw or whatever...
I personally think a man (or a woman, lets not be sexist here) who hits their spouse deserves jail time, banned from public offices for life, put on a violent offenders list permanently...I could come up with more but haven't the time...
Posted by: Sheila N | November 11, 2005 at 03:47 PM
I don't know about the whole "for life" thing, anyone can make a mistake but if somebody does it more than once I'd definately be in favor of lifetime consequences.
And for Sheena, I don't know of too many guys dumb enough to hit a Butte girl, unless they're just looking to get their ass kicked in return. ;) That's exactly what this dipshit needs, a good ass kickin'. I'm sure that my wife would be happy to slap him around a bit, I know a few other tough girls that would be happy to teach him a lesson as well.
Posted by: Justin | November 11, 2005 at 09:00 PM
I can't agree more. I have never hit a woman, but have come to the defense of women being abused in bars more than once. One guy looked very suprised when I grabbed his arm (which was on the backswing) and asked me what I thought I was doing. I told him if he wanted to try to hit something, I was available. The bouncers in that place didn't seem to notice anything as I whacked that fool. They were right there to drag his butt outside after things were over though. I still don't know who that guy was- but he had it coming.
Posted by: Rocky Smith | November 14, 2005 at 04:04 PM