As others have already noted, Kevin McGuire went down in defeat yesterday, in Bozeman's school board election. He received 157 votes. I have to admit, that's about a hundred votes more than I thought he would get. Needless to say, I'm not thrilled with that result.
I'm left with two very significant questions, that I am not likely ever to get answers to. The first: How many McGuire voters were, like me, first time voters in a school board election. I suspect that many people, either for or against, came out to vote in this election. The number of those who did so just to see Kevin win would be ... interesting.
The second question, much more significant to my mind, is this: how many voted for him to see if they could stick it to the gays (as opposed to buying the whole racist claptrap of the National Alliance). That's it's own brand of hate, and I'd like to know exactly what temper of support it has.
Hate is hate. It will never go away altogether. All things being equal, I like the odds of 28,000 v. 157, as long as a significant portion of the 28,000 remain engaged that the 157 are a problem.
So, we have a vicious mob of 157 schmucks. Such a defeat can not go well with their ego. Keep on telling them that they are not welcome!
Posted by: Aaron Weissman | May 04, 2005 at 08:56 PM
I think most of Mcguire's supporters were pretty clueless about the National Alliance and its ultimate goals. I think most probably fell into 2 categories,
1) the true racists who believe his lies about what he really stands for and believe the white race are now the victims
2) the kind of conservatives this state abounds with who just want to hear the "liberals" squeal. We see plenty of that with anti-environmentalists. I call them Face Spiters, they are quite willing to cut off their conservative noses to spite their liberal faces.
I do agree that its a shame he got so many votes. I have lived in Bozeman since 1999 and usually leave the school board voting to parents of school age children. Not this time.
Arcane Radical
Posted by: Arcane Radical | May 04, 2005 at 09:29 PM
Like you, Wulfgar!, I am surprised that McGuire got as many votes as he did and have been wondering who those people are. For instance, someone I know told me that he toyed with the idea of voting for Kevin as a slap in the face of all of us who promote tolerance -- because we are intolerant of Kevin. That kind of circular logic drives me crazy! How can we tolerate hatred, and how is intolerance of hatred a bad thing? At any rate, we need to remain aware of the National Alliance and what they are up to in our community.
Posted by: Marilyn/Nancy | May 05, 2005 at 09:56 AM
Well it is a good thing his political ambitions were silenced for now. Thouugh I agree it is very troubling when someone like that gets so many votes. But again he wasnt running on a straight national alliance platform was he? Or if he was he cloakeed in typical coded phrases that most republican voters wouldnt what it was about. I think most people are just plain ignorant about their elected officals. I think the phrase we are looking for is he looked like such a nice young man. But it is good that the National alliances invasion has been stopped for a while. though I am sure they are cooking up some ghastly schemes in their trailers somwhere so we must be vigialant. SO party on saturday?
Posted by: twilightsol | May 05, 2005 at 07:27 PM
Party on Saturday, dude.
Posted by: Wulfgar | May 05, 2005 at 09:20 PM
Thank you, Bozeman.
Posted by: Alex Reynolds | May 06, 2005 at 04:59 AM